BBC Remit
Under the BBC’s Charter, the Trust must set a purpose remit for each of the BBC’s six public purposes: 
  1. Sustaining citizenship and civil society
  2. Promoting education and learning
  3. Stimulating creativity and cultural excellence 
  4. Representing the UK, its nations, regions and communities 
  5. Bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK 
  6. In promoting its other purposes, helping to deliver to the public the benefit of emerging communications technologies and services and, in addition, taking a leading role in the switchover to digital television
Therefore by funding and producing ‘I,Daniel Blake’ the BBC are helping to educate the British public about the benefits system.

BFI Royal Charter
The objects of the Institute shall be to encourage the development of the arts of film, television and the moving image throughout Our United Kingdom, to promote their use as a record of contemporary life and manners, to promote education about film, television and the moving image generally, and their impact on society, to promote access to and appreciation of the widest possible range of British and world cinema and to establish, care for and develop collections reflecting the moving image history and heritage of Our United Kingdom.
Therefore they helped to produce ‘I, Daniel Blake’ to promote the development of film and help promote British film around the world.
Public Service Broadcasting- This type of broadcasting is able to take risks due to it not being dependent on people watching their shows. Companies such as the BBC have funding from the government so don't need to charge other companies to advertise their products between shows. 

I,DB- Received $3.5 million for funding

Corporate Legendary is a leading media company with film (Legendary Pictures), television and digital (Legendary Television and Digital Media) and comics (Legendary Comics) divisions dedicated to owning, producing and delivering content to mainstream audiences with a targeted focus on the powerful fandom demographic.


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