Name - Huck Publisher - TCOLondon Independent or part of a conglomerate? - Independent Other things they create/own, other media areas? - They create and host events such as galleries, (71a) while also publishing another magazine called 'Little White Lies' which is about films. Also Chronicle book called 'Paddle Against the Flow: L essons on Life from Doers, Creators, and Culture-Shakers in 2015. Films and docs First launched - 2006 Ideologies/values - refuse to be civilised, and encourage people to 'paddle against the flow'. 'Global map of youth-filled social change'. They make sure their content expresses the artists, activist and 'creative renegades' who are breaking down the old world to build something new. Gives a voice to groups of people and cultures. Challenge social norms Average readership/circulation - 60,000 print readership Target audience - A, B. Mixed genders, 'Female Fighters' - celebrates female empowerment. From...